Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9/19 Meeting

  • Attendance
  • Check current roster list
  • Events Draft
  • Google Drive
  • Events Meeting
    • Meet up with your current group
    • Rules
    • Items that you need
    • Create a timeline to finish everything before winter break
    • study!

Events Draft 1
This is the current event roster. However, this is just a temporary set up. Official selections will take place later (late October), so do not worry!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Official Science Olympiad 2019 Division C Event Rules

The official rules for the 2019 competition have been released! Click here to view the official rules in a pdf. Use these rules to learn how the events you're interested in work, and to inform your decisions when filling out the events interest form.

9/7 Friday Meeting

Membership Sign Ups
Here is the link to sign up for our Science Olympiad team for the 2018-2019 school year.

Event Selections
Here is the link to event selections interest form.