Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Official Events Groups

Here is the official listing for the groups.

The groups may not be perfect, as this is a first draft. If there are any problems, we will address them.

@alternates: If you are in a group with only alternates, please get the build event started among yourselves. For the other events that are you listed as, make sure to help out the group!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9/19 Meeting

  • Attendance
  • Check current roster list
  • Events Draft
  • Google Drive
  • Events Meeting
    • Meet up with your current group
    • Rules
    • Items that you need
    • Create a timeline to finish everything before winter break
    • study!

Events Draft 1
This is the current event roster. However, this is just a temporary set up. Official selections will take place later (late October), so do not worry!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Official Science Olympiad 2019 Division C Event Rules

The official rules for the 2019 competition have been released! Click here to view the official rules in a pdf. Use these rules to learn how the events you're interested in work, and to inform your decisions when filling out the events interest form.

9/7 Friday Meeting

Membership Sign Ups
Here is the link to sign up for our Science Olympiad team for the 2018-2019 school year.


Event Selections
Here is the link to event selections interest form.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Science Olympiad Officer Application Form (2018-2019)

Science Olympiad Officer Application Form (2018-2019)

Here's the link to the Officer Application Form; if you are interested in becoming an officer next year please fill out and submit the form by Thursday, April 19th. Additionally, you will need to attend the meeting at lunch on Friday the 20th in Miss Hrezo's room to be interviewed for the position. You can email any questions you may have to kcelshoff@gmail.com. Thanks!