Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Reminder - No Meet Tomorrow!

Just in case anyone's fervent love of science causes them to show up tomorrow: We have no meeting this week! Have a great long weekend and we will see everyone next Friday! Thanks~

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Current Practice Test Schedule

Here you go - -

11/27 = dynamic planet & fossils
12/4 = green generation & invasive species
12/11 = protein modeling & it's about time
12/18 = WINTER BREAK!!

Please also visit our VERY IMPORTANT tournament info link for everything related to the upcoming competition.

Meeting Recap 11/20

Recap of yesterday's meeting:
-More practice tests next week! Thanks to everyone who showed up today. The testing schedule will also be posted soon.
-Popcorn orders are coming in about two weeks! (: Everyone who turned in a form, please attend the meeting to receive your orders. We'll remind you through email, texts, the blog, twitter, etc.
-Tshirts were handed out yesterday! Make sure you got yours, and if not please talk to Neha.
-Below is the schedule for the annual tournament in February. Please make sure none of your events have conflicting times. Thank you!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Meeting Tomorrow!

There will be a meeting tomorrow in room 814 at lunch. See you there! Please make sure to be there ESPECIALLY if you are signed up for DISEASE DETECTIVES or CHEM LAB! Thanks (:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Meeting Tomorrow!

There will be a meeting tomorrow in room 814, lunch. Hope to see everyone there.
We will be talking about new practice tests, which will be given in a couple weeks. Thanks~

Saturday, November 7, 2015

11/6 Meeting Recap

1. Popcorn order forms are in!! Thanks to everyone who donated. Popcornopolis will have the shipments out to us by the first or second week of December.
2. >w<   Thanks to the anatomy and cell bio kids. Tests will probably happen again in a couple weeks.
3. See everyone next week!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

10/30 Meeting Recap

Recap of Friday's meeting: 
1. T-shirts have been ordered!! If you paid already, please see Neha at next week's meeting for a refund - prices have been dropped to $10. (-: And if you haven't paid, please do so asap.
2. Popcorn order forms are due next Friday, 11/6. So we only have one week left to sell! Remember, our goal is to sell 10 bags or 1 party pack each. 
3. If you are signed up for either CELL BIO or ANATOMY, please start studying via the event description/handouts. Tests will be created soon as these are very competitive events. The purpose of these tests is to make sure we have the best team possible (for the competition in February). We will update soon with more info. 
4. Also, please do try to make it to the meetings. We have a consistently small turnout. ):
